Jürgen Wißkirchen

Jürgen Wißkirchen

// Shortcut: cmd opt f
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const smallArg = (placeholder: string) => arg({
placeholder: placeholder,
height: 100,
width: 500
const substring = await smallArg("Substring to search:");
const lines = await smallArg("# surrounding lines in results:");
const PROJECT_ROOT = "/Users/jwisskirchen/IdeaProjects";
const CLOSE_LABEL = "Close";
// execute find java-files on all project-subdirs not starting with 'z' (as those are special ones...)
const results = await $`cd ${PROJECT_ROOT} ; find [^z]* -name *.java -exec grep -q ${substring} {} ';' -exec echo "******{}******" ';' -exec grep -${lines} ${substring} {} ';'`;
// Split filepaths and search results in tokens-array, replace '<' as this confuses html-rendering after span-insertion below
const tokens = results.toString().replaceAll('<', '&lt;').split('******');
// build templates from tokens with filepath header and search results in <pre>
const templates = [];
const files: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i += 2) {
files.push(`${tokens[i + 1]}`);
// mark substrings in red.
templates.push(`<h3>${tokens[i + 1]}</h3>
<pre>${tokens[i + 2]}</pre><hr>`
`<span class="text-red-500">${substring}</span>`)
// show the templates => user can scroll in results and then press <CR> to continue to dialog for opening project file in IDE
await div({
html: templates.join('<br><br>\n'),
width: 1200,
height: 700
}, `bg-white text-black text-sm p-2`);
// put search string in clipboard for use in IDE later
await copy(substring);
//---- display buttons in widgets, that let you open IntelliJ Idea -----
const items = files.map(path => ({
name: path,
// display only shrinked filepath <project>/../<filename> for brevity
display: path.slice(0, path.indexOf('/') + 1) + '..' + path.slice(path.lastIndexOf('/'), path.length)
items.push({ name: CLOSE_LABEL, display: CLOSE_LABEL });
const buttons = `
<div class="grid grid-col w-screen h-screen justify-around items-center">
<label class="rounded px-10 py-1 bg-white text-black">Open project in IDEA</label>
class="rounded px-10 py-1 bg-black bg-opacity-70 hover:bg-opacity-50"
v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="item.name" :data-name="item.name" :data-index="index">{{ item.display }}</button>
let w = await widget(buttons, {
backgroundColor: '#CCCCAA',
x: 600,
y: Math.max(0, 500 - items.length * 25),
width: 600,
height: items.length * 50 + 50,
state: {
w.onClick(async event => {
if (event.dataset.name) {
const path: string = event.dataset.name;
if (path === CLOSE_LABEL) {
exit(0); // process keeps running without..
} else {
// open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
await $`idea ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${path.slice(0, path.indexOf('/'))}`;
// open the specific file chosen inside this project
await $`idea ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${path}`;
// inside IDEA (!) do a search Cmd-F for the substring
// Cmd-V places the substring from Clipboard (where we copied it above) into Ideas Search dialog
await hide();
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftSuper, Key.F);
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftSuper, Key.F);
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftSuper, Key.V);
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftSuper, Key.V);